“The world is waking up and change is coming, whether you like it or not,” said Greta Thunberg, 16, in her impassioned speech to the UN.
In August 2018, Greta sat alone, striking outside the Swedish Parliament. Last weekend, the movement she began galvanized 4 million people for the largest climate demonstration in history.
The UN took notice. Countries are promising action. And yes, there is still lots of work to be done about our climate crisis, but the message is clear: It just takes one person doing something small that could make all the difference in the world.
It’s the reason I’m so inspired not just by Greta, but by DoSomething members like you who do both small and large things to transform your communities every single day. Here’s another chance: It’s National Voter Registration Day. Take 2 minutes and register to vote at your current address. It could make all the difference.
Let’s Do This,
September 24 Is National Voter Registration Day! DoSomething members powered historic youth voter turnout for the midterms. Starting today, The Youth Wave descends upon 2020.
“Gen Z won't be silenced,” says Abigail, 21, who’s one of the 118,706 members who registered to vote through DoSomething. “We are fighting for a democracy that reflects us and our values. We are voting for the change we want to see in this world.”
Youth voting increased a historic 47% from 2014 to 2018. Now for 2020, a presidential year, young people are set to literally decide the election. This National Voter Registration Day, ask yourself:
He hung a poster of Botany Boy (a STEM superhero created by Corbyn, a DoSomething member) to inspire local students. Check out some incredible STEM superheroes and learn how you can (super)empower students near you.
We Asked, You Answered
Last week, we asked you to brag about amazing stuff you’re doing, and you did not disappoint. Here are some of our favorite answers from DoSomething members. (And submit yours here!)
“Supported and joined the Walk of Hope, a march on our campus for Suicide Prevention Week/Month! Also started volunteering at Hope Committee, an organization that supports and educates people with mental health.” - Noah, 19, New York
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