Hey, y’all! Reminder: There’s a Democratic debate tonight (Tuesday) at 8:00 pm EST. It’s being held down the road from the gym my where lil’ nieces practice gymnastics. Last time I was there, Olympic champion Gabby Douglas was practicing at the same time. It was awesome.
Anyway...did you know that 1 in 8 voter registrations are deemed invalid? And that if you moved since the last election, you have to re-register? And that it’s suuuper easy to check your registration status? So whether or not you’re watching the debate tonight, take 2 minutes and register to vote at your current address.
Let’s Do This,
Everyone Hates a Bad Remake, and E-Cigs Are the Worst of All After racking up a casual 1.6 billion views with “Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae),” viral sensation Silentó is joining DoSomething to show that companies like JUUL are trying to bring back all the stuff we hate about regular cigarettes.
Like cigarettes, more often than not, e-cigs have super addictive nicotine and cancer-causing chemicals, not to mention flavored products designed to get young people hooked.
So we’ve teamed up with Silentó to bring back the stuff we do want...starting with some of our favorite hit dances in this new video (stanky leg, anyone???).
Sign up for The Hit We’ll Take and share our #TBT-style anti-vaping guide. The school with the most guides shared will win a visit from Silentó himself!
More Amazing Impact From the DoSomething Community
Last week, we asked you to brag about amazing stuff you’re doing, and you did not disappoint. Here are some of our favorite answers from the DoSomething community. (And submit yours here!)
“I started a DoSomething Club in my school, International Academy East, and we currently have over twenty members!”
“I was a part of the #MarchForSisterhood digital march with Girls Who Code to amplify and inspire young women and femmes to be their most authentic selves.”
“I organized and with help from my peers put on a bake sell and jean day at my school to raise money and awareness for childhood cancer research. Only 3.87% of federal money goes towards all childhood cancers!!! We raised over $1,200 in honor of one of our own classmates who passed away in her teens because of bone cancer.” - Candace, 18, Louisiana
“I started a free tutoring program at a library to help students succeed and reach their potential in school.” Copyright © 2019 , All rights reserved.