Hey y’all, what’s going on? It’s a rhetorical question, because I know the answer is a LOT.
Maybe our stress-busting tips for finals studying or 2019 Holiday Give Guide (like a gift guide, but with a charitable twist) will help. Either way, hang in there! You got this! Holiday break is right around the corner. And if that presents its own kind of stress, check out these tips for having tough conversations with your family.
(Oh! And check your inbox on Monday for our 2019 Year in Review. Who knows? Maybe you’ll be featured!)
Let’s Do This,
DoSomething Members Drive Impact at First-Ever Road Safety Hackathon After submitting their innovative ideas to save lives on the road through our NSFW (Not Safe For Wheels) campaign, 15 DoSomething members were selected for the first-ever Road Safety Hackathon at the General Motors Headquarters in Detroit.
The members were split into teams and collaborated with DoSomething staff and GM’s experts to create initiatives to keep their communities safer on the road.
“You guys were the greatest group of people to collaborate with,” tweeted DoSomething member Kassidy. “So much love @dosomething @GM.”
Team Silverado (pictured above) created the Check Your Post...It! campaign and took home the crown. The idea: post stickies on your friend’s phones screens with personalized messages reminding them not to check their notifications in the vehicle. Noted! ‘Tis the season...for wild traffic during holiday travel. Join the 104,022 DoSomething members who have taken a quiz to receive a customized guide for saving lives on the road.
More Amazing Impact From the DoSomething Community
A couple weeks back, we asked you to brag about amazing stuff you’re doing, and you did not disappoint. Here are some of our favorite answers from the DoSomething community. (And submit yours here!)
“My students and I challenged an entire school district to a food drive for our local food pantry, which was on the verge of closing due to short of food items and funds. In 6 weeks we were able to collect over 18,000 lbs if non perishable items and keep the pantry open for a great holiday blessing. The efforts of my students and the help of our local news and newspaper. More blessings came in in the amount of $ 1,000.00 from the school district and $5,000.00 from another generous donor. This project gave my students lots of joy and pride that their efforts will make a big difference.”
- Ruben Trevino, HSS of the Texas Juvenile Justice Department
“I started a sign language club in my school, even though I am a student myself it makes me happy learning and teaching at the same time.”
- Bethelhem. 15, Washington, DC
“I organized a clothing drive at my school for the local senior healthcare center so they can have warm clothes for the winter months. I have so far collected multiple plastic trash bags filled with warm clothes!”
- Emily, 17, California Copyright © 2019 , All rights reserved.