Hello! I’m back from a whirlwind weekend + wedding in LA and wrote this while wayyyy over-caffeinated, so please forgive me. This week’s WYD features a cyberbullying-fighting musician, planet protectors in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Dress Like a Parent Day at DoSomething HQ.
(Oh! And big thanks to Annabel, 17, from Michigan who asked about a web version of WYD. You got it -- check out all the recent WYD editions here!)
- Ben
How Paige, a 20-Year-Old Singer, Is Creating a More Positive Internet for Other Musicians Growing up, Paige, 20, experienced bullying both online and off. Her lifelong love of music gave her an escape, and one day she decided to post videos of herself singing.
“For the first time, I saw all positive comments on something I would post,” the DoSomething member said.
People’s support for her music made the internet a newfound source of positivity for Paige. Now, she’s using our Shred Hate guide to make sure others can feel the same way by reporting hurtful comments on videos of people singing.
Join Paige and other DoSomething members who have already flagged 4,334 instances of bullying online.
What cause is it time more people care about? Submit a 15-second video for the chance to win a Fossil shopping spree, along with a donation to the charity of your choice.
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