Hey, all. Thanks to everyone who stepped up last week to do something about gun violence in the wake of last week’s shootings. In the midst of terror and hatred, you responded with action and hope.
Thanks to young voices like yours, Congress is considering a “red flag” gun bill, while states like Ohio and California have proposed new firearm legislation as well. We’ll keep you posted on what’s next.
In the meantime, read about the DoSomething members tackling the student debt crisis, creating STEM superheroes, and taking down cyberbullying one click at a time.
Let’s Do This,
11,069 DoSomething Members Have Already Stepped Up to Tackle the Student Debt Crisis We asked a simple question: “What would a debt-free future look like to you?”
Anonymously answer two questions about student debt, and we’ll make sure employers hear youth voices loud and clear. This generation can compel companies to offer free college assistance or pay off employees’ loan debt, especially for low-income workers.
Join DoSomething and TikTok!
Visit https://www.tiktok.com/makeyourday to learn more. Please join us in putting a few more smiles in a lot more profiles.
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