Hey! First of all, I just wanted to thank everyone who sent such thoughtful and powerful responses to Tej’s mental health essay. He even wrote a piece to express his gratitude and share some of the incredibly moving words from the DoSomething community.
Last week, some members were actually surprised to find out that Tej is, in fact, not a bot. And it got me thinking: do you think I’m a bot too?? I’ll answer your question with a question: would a bot star in a bus safety video that was shown in every public school in Ohio? I think not! Here’s a lil’ thing I wrote for you to get to know me better.
Let’s Do This!
“Super Tuesday” Could Decide the Primary, and *Your* Vote Could Decide the Future of Our Country The first step: take 2 minutes to register to vote.
March 3 is “Super Tuesday,” the day 14 states and one US territory cast their vote for the Democratic nominee for President. The nation will speak. The candidate pool will shrink. And soon, we will unleash our power at the polls like never seen before.
“Gen Z won't be silenced,” says DoSomething member Abigail, 22. “We are fighting for a democracy that reflects us and our values. We are voting the change we want to see in this world.”
In 2018, the DoSomething community helped make history. In 2020, we are deciding the future. Take 2 minutes and register to vote.
This DoSomething member gave her school’s football team our mental (health) notes as a reminder to practice self-care. “The society that I live in now does not let [guys] be emotional because it is seen as weak,” she says. “That is not the case so I chose to do this to spread awareness that we all have to check up on ourselves.” Join the members who have already given 15,078 cards to men in their lives.
You could win $3,000 for mental health treatment, education, and/or advocacy with the Letters to Strangers Mental Health Scholarships! Open to all international applicants as long as you apply by April 1. (P.S. As a DoSomething member, you qualify for a weighted entry!)
More Amazing Impact From the DoSomething Community!
We asked you to brag about the amazing stuff you’re doing, and you did not disappoint. Here are some of our favorite answers from the DoSomething community. (Psst...submit yours here!)
“Many Mini Musicians is my nonprofit organization that funds Fine Arts programs throughout public schools and creates opportunities for students to experience the Arts! Through this organization I have had the opportunity to advocate for increased Fine Arts funding at the state capitol, host fundraising concerts that feature young performers, and meet educators who are working hard to make sure that every student has access to Arts education! To get involved, go to our website or email us at manyminimusicians@gmail.com!”
- DoSomething member Ruby, 15, Florida
“I assisted in planning and executing a voter summit that would inspire student leaders to register students. We are working towards pushing for the largest voter turnout in college student history. Together we activated young leaders to get their peers civically engaged.”
- DoSomething member Jessica, 21, New York
“I helped start a nonprofit theater program for kids and young adults with special needs. I also was a mentor to an actor and choreographed the whole show. I also am the mascot for the program so anytime we do fundraising or special events I dress up like a penguin and take pics with people.”
- DoSomething member Mackenzie, 16, Illinois Copyright © 2020, All rights reserved.