Hey y’all. These are scary and bizarre and uncertain times for sure. I don’t have all the answers right now, but I can offer one piece of (unsolicited) advice and one promise.
Be there for yourself and for the people you love. We’ll be here for you, promise.
Right now, we’ve got resources for displaced or disrupted students. We’ve got ways to volunteer online. We’ve got a lifeline if you’re super anxious or just need someone to talk to. Coming soon, we’ll have ways you can make a difference for the older adults in your life and below, we’ve got inspiration and impact from DoSomething members like you. Hang in there. We’ll get through this together.
Let’s Do This,
How 47,006 DoSomething Members Are Taking Control of Their Financial Lives While Physical Distancing At least 72% of students say personal finance stresses them out, and coronavirus is only making things worse.
“Right now, finances kind of intimidate me, and I haven't learned much about how to handle my finances in school,” says Andrea, a 17-year-old DoSomething member. Join the DoSomething members like Andrea who are gaining and sharing knowledge during these anxious times.
Take our Would You Rather? quiz with (outrageous!) questions and (legit!) tips on making and saving money. At the end, you can read and share our clutch personal finance guide to take control of your financial life and help friends do the same.
DoSomething member Madison, who plans to become a psychologist, checked in on her grandpa, even while physical distancing. Join her and the 101,535 members who have signed up for our Mental Note campaign. (You can support your loved ones’ mental health, even from afar.)
“Relax yourself with a bath, broski!”... says DoSomething member Raul, 18, on the custom mental (health) note he sent to friends.
The DoSomething Club of the Week is… Cleveland High School DoSomething Club, which has given everyone hope by staying connected and practicing gratitude.
Mama, we made it… into Forbes, thanks to our *massive* Teens for Jeans impact!
This week, Jackie wrote about how… hip-hop artist Jez Dior and Humboldt Broncos crash survivor Tyler Smith got real about mental health.
If you have Qs about how COVID-19 will affect your state’s elections… here’s what you need to know.
This week in (Remote!) Pets of DoSomething… working from home has never been cuter, thanks to Olivia’s dog Charlie, Anna’s dog Lady, Elyssa’s dog Yoda, Jeri’s cat Leo, and Rafa’s 2-MONTH-OLD KITTEN MICHI.
Sorry, quick question… cAn I pET DaT DAW’G??