Hey y’all. One powerful thing you can do right now -- and always -- is to amplify Black voices. That’s why I’m turning this week’s intro over to Nabitou, a DoSomething member speaking up for justice.
“I feel angry and tired of what's going on. Angry because us black people have to fight 5 times as hard for rights we deserve and should have. Tired because we've been fighting for so long, and so many of our people are being unjustly murdered by cops and we STILL have to fight for those cops to receive the consequences they need. In the pursuit for racial injustice, I would like to see police brutality, racism and white supremacy to change for the better of everyone.”
See what other members are saying, and how you can join them in this fight.
Let’s Do This,
The DoSomething Community Is Powering the Fight for Racial Justice In addition to protesting, we’re starting anti-racist conversations nationwide, pledging to uplift Black voices in our communities, and driving soaring voter registration.
Minneapolis, where George Floyd was murdered by police on May 25, announced plans to disband its police department and will invest in community initiatives instead. Cleveland declared racism a public health crisis and launched a city-wide plan to tackle racial disparities. Portland removed all police from schools. All across the country, change is happening.
DoSomething members are hitting the streets, signing petitions, calling reps -- and driving lasting change in three additional and crucial ways:
1) Starting anti-racist conversations with friends and family. 70% of DoSomething members say they plan to have discussions about racism, so we created guides for white and non-Black members of color to start the conversation, and for Black activists to practice self-care.
2) Pledging to sustain the fight by supporting the Black community. In the last week, over 21,253 members have signed up to pledge to support Black businesses, amplify Black stories, and donate to Black-led organizations.
3) Registering to vote. City and state officials decide our communities’ police funding and outcomes, and DoSomething members say voting is the #1 way to sustain efforts for racial justice. Our members’ registrations are surging right now, and your vote has the power to decide the future of policing in your community. Take 2 minutes and register at your current address.
“For centuries, even after the Civil War and Civil Rights Movement, after years of peacefully protesting, we are still begging for our lives and still to this very day fighting for our rights,” says DoSomething member Melina, 18. “Enough is enough, we are tired.”
She joined the Black DoSomething members helping other activists protect their peace, and signing pledges to sustain their work. Read and amplify what other Black DoSomething members are saying about our current moment.
Discrimination-induced trauma is real… so read our self-care guide.
Our Senior Homies campaign got a shoutout in Forbes… thanks to your efforts to help older adults stay connected during COVID-19.
This week in (Pride!) Dogs of DoSomething… Moose, who belongs to our Community Associate, Maddy, is one adorable ally.
We asked, you spoke, and we wrote… all about why Gen Z is more likely to vote as a result of COVID-19.
DoSomething member Marisa, 18… recruited her synchronized swimming team to thank the real MVPs (aka our essential workers).
Nothing like love for your big sis… as proven by the lil’ sis of our CMO, Carrie, who is a force of nature (and also a cover model).
DoSomething Members Speak Up for Racial Justice Here’s what some members are saying, and how you can amplify your voice too.
“These protests can't dwindle down in a month. These uncomfortable discussions can't dwindle down in a month. We have to keep talking about these issues — not just when it happens, but for months after. We must continue to hold people accountable until change happens. Our federal legislature needs to pass proper legislation to protect the lives of innocent African Americans like me. Our local police departments need to go through some sort of reform to inform officers on proper use of force.” - DoSomething member Delon
“I'm feeling just really done with how society is treating us in the black community right now. And I feel that the change that should be made is just we need to understand how the police treat us and it needs to stop happening. We should be able to walk outside and not have to worry about getting shot or jumped by police. All this police brutality just needs to be cooled down, especially when most of the time we won't even be doing anything and we will still get killed or beat up. We need change.” - DoSomething member Ian
“During these hard times, not only do we have to deal with a deadly virus but we also have to deal with racial inequality, which has been going on for many years. I am feeling happy and honored that I get to be alive during the Black lives movement. At the same time, I am also devastated that after all these years we African Americans still have to fight for equality and our rights. Hopefully, with this new movement, we will finally start to see positive change. - DoSomething member Mikayla Finding this newsletter useful? Forward today's edition to a friend and encourage them to subscribe. Copyright © 2020, All rights reserved. Our mailing address is: 19 West 21st Street, 8th floor, New York, NY 10010 View in Browser | Help Center | Manage subscriptions | Unsubscribe |