Hey y’all. I’ve said it once, and I’ll keep saying it: you inspire me every single day. Over the last month, I have been amazed at how DoSomething members like you have helped power this movement to fight racism, end anti-Blackness, and create a more equitable society.
You’re taking to the streets -- and also amplifying Black voices and rooting out white supremacy in your relationships, your schools, your communities, and our institutions. You’re out there making your voices heard and making a real difference. It’s a reminder for us here at DoSomething that it’s our responsibility to do the same, starting with our staff and our internal culture.
We’re taking a look at where we’ve fallen short and where we can do better. We’re looking at discrimination at individual and structural levels. We have to hold ourselves and our leadership accountable. We have to proactively implement policies against all forms of racism and inequity. We have so much work to do, and it’s already begun.
Our staff stands with all those speaking out against racism everywhere. We stand with each other in our commitment to build an organization that aligns with our values and our mission. And most of all, we stand with you, our members. It’s because of you we come to work every day. We believe in this organization -- we want to fight for this organization -- because we believe in your power to change the world. And in order to do that, the change has to start with us. I promise it will.
Let’s Do This,
Pride Isn’t Cancelled. In Fact, It’s More Important Than Ever. See how the DoSomething community is making Pride visible nationwide this month.
Along with facing homelessness, job loss, and mental health challenges, physical distancing due to COVID-19 puts many LGBTQ youth in an environment that may be unsupportive or abusive. Two thirds of LGBTQ youth hear their families make negative comments about LGBTQ people, and only 1 in 4 feels like they can be themselves at home.
That’s why DoSomething members are creating Pride-themed masks and signs for their communities (and our digital Pride solidarity wall) to show LGBTQ youth they’re not alone.
“Pride is important because before I knew what asexuality was I thought that there was something wrong with me,” says Haylee, a 21-year-old DoSomething member. “Because of Pride I know that there isn't anything wrong with me and I am loud and proud to be me.”
“I will continue to fight for my people because that's what matters,” says DoSomething member Kosi. “I'm a black woman living in America and until the justice system is fixed to fight for my people and systematic racism is dismantled I can't stop fighting.”
Using our guides for Black members, non-Black members of color, and white members, the DoSomething community is starting anti-racist conversations in their homes, and signing pledges to disrupt racism in their communities. You can too.
DoSomething member Muskaan… is Miss Dorchester County Teen (South Carolina) and she used her platform to create this powerful spoken word video supporting Black Lives Matter.
Find out how your vote can impact racial justice… with this 4-question quiz.
Celebrate your impact… with these big Supreme Court Wins for DACA recipients and LGBTQ rights.
More DoSomething Members Disrupting Racism Use our guides for Black members, non-Black members of color, and white members to learn how you can disrupt racism in your community. Greyson, 18 Angela, 16 Leslie, 15 “This campaign matters to me because for so long I have watched my family and community struggle with injustices,” says DoSomething member Greyson, 18. “Often times [with] their voices going unheard and their struggles going unanswered. But with the rise of the black lives matter movement and programs like this, they help to ensure these long held issues are talked about. Pushing the world to change the way it thinks and opening up new doors to a greater future.”
“Nobody should have to suffer and live in fear just just because of the colour of their skin,” says Angela, a 16-year-old DoSomething member. “We should accept and appreciate each other. Do unto others what you would like them to do unto you. #blacklivesmatter.”
“I want things to change,” says Leslie, 15, a DoSomething member. “The life of George Floyd did not need to be taken. Black lives matter!” Finding this newsletter useful? Forward today's edition to a friend and encourage them to subscribe. Copyright © 2020, All rights reserved. Our mailing address is: 19 West 21st Street, 8th floor, New York, NY 10010 View in Browser | Help Center | Manage subscriptions | Unsubscribe |